Well it's the 3rd weekend in a row my grandson doesn't get to come see his daddy... It's just as important that a child see his father, as it is that the father pays his support... If support isn't paid then the courts are all over the father threating to suppend his license. But a mother can just let the child visit when ever she feel like it!!! Only thing the dad can do is take her to court at the cost of $300.
Then there my Future DIL, who see to it that every weekend her ex get her 3 year old daughter (yeah every weekend what was that judge thinking). Only thing the Ex moved a month ago and FDIL doesn't know where her daughter is all weekend long and he changed his phone number... Everytime she has asked he refuses to give them to her even though the divorce papers say he needs to keep both up to date... Can she refuse to let him see the child?? No she doesn't have a right to do that... All she can do is take him back to court.... So in the mean time each weekend she worrys till her daughter is back in her arms 6 pm Sunday(well if he shows up on time).
2 parents trying to do what's right even though the other parent does everything wrong with the law protecting them...
I sit here not being able to do a thing(grandparents have no rights in FL) but pray that somehow everything will work out, or that I can win the lottery and give them the money to go to court...
One day those who do wrong will have to answer for their wrongs....
2 weeks ago
I've been reading some of your post tonight since I just found your blog. There were a few that saddened me deeply. I'll keep you, your family and your friend"H" in my T&P's.
Grandparents have no rights in Texas. Not that it affects me right now...I have no grands...
Re: Your comment on my blog about kids in restaurants...We also compliments parents of well-behaved children. We also believe in attitude adjustments! ;o)
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